Luke Frewin
Luke Frewin
Writer, Actor, Director

Bend and Snap

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Howdy. My name’s Luke Frewin. I’m a screenwriter currently based in Oxfordshire, UK.

Welcome to my little website here. My name’s Luke Frewin and I’m a graduate of the University of Worcester, where I studied Film Production and Screenwriting. Film is a large passion of mine which I have engaged with heavily, throughout my studies and over the last five years. I have written screenplays for feature-length films, sitcom episodes, one-off TV dramas, a vast range of short films, and even a radio play.

On the more technical side of my studies, I have adapted scripts, co-directed, produced, scouted locations, gathered props, and provided transport for many short films including comedies, thrillers, and documentaries. I took my studies further, undertaking and completing a Masters degree in Creative Media. I have continued my creative endeavours beyond this point, as well as dipping into the technical and performing aspects of amateur dramatics.

Up there in the News section, I will try to bring you all the unfolding news stories throughout the world as they develop. I’ll try to. More likely, however, you’ll probably find some film and music reviews, essays on story trends/phenomena within film, and predictions for awards shows. Football is sadly an inseparable part of my brain so expect to find me writing about that on occasion too. If those are the sort of things that interest you, the News button in top right is where to head.

Something funny or philosophical I may have said at some point in my life.
— Luke Frewin

There are many services I can offer, including

Formatting your ideas into a shootable script format.

Script Coverage, providing in-depth, constructive feedback on anything you may have written.

Editing, I am experienced with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro, and am very capable in turning loose footage and audio into a finished product.

Storyboarding and shot lists, helping to begin visualising your script.

• Screenwriting, the obvious one but if you have an idea or a character you want explored, or a filmmaker with new equipment you want to try out, leave it to me to come up with a script that can bring the best out of whatever you have!

Acting, I love acting and can fulfil an approximate age range of 18 to 26. Have a look at some pics below and see if I suit your part!

Would love to hear also if you have any suggestions for content on this website or if you just vehemently disagree with something I’ve written, I’m always open for a discussion! 

much love,



5’ 5”


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For all bookings contact Luke at: